Friday, May 30, 2008





Bluetooth provides a wireless solution for reducing the cable clutter of peripherals. It is also a replacement for IrDA, and is a complimentary technology to Apple's AirPort (802.11b, g and n) solution for wireless networks, not a replacement for networking. On a technical level, Bluetooth is an open specification for a cutting-edge technology that enables short-range wireless connections between desktop and laptop computers and a host of other peripheral devices - on a globally available frequency band (2.4 GHz) for worldwide compatibility.

Apple's implementation of the Bluetooth Stack is based on the Bluetooth Special Interest Group (SIG) standard where Data transfers happen over a series of layered protocols including Baseband, L2CAP, RFCOMM and OBEX. Devices are identified by unique 6 byte addresses - like Ethernet.

Apple's Bluetooth Stack is integrated in Mac OS X starting with version 10.2, also known as "Jaguar", and the Bluetooth Software Developer's Kit.

Details in the Bluetooth SDK include how to extend our stack to support your hardware, how to add support for additional profiles required by your devices, and how to develop applications that take advantage of the unique attributes of Bluetooth.





Thursday, June 07, 2007

Ethernet Bridges & Switches

bridge is a LAN interconnection device which operates at the data link layer (layer 2) of the OSI reference model. It may be used to join two LAN segments (A,B), constructing a larger LAN. A bridge is able to filter traffic passing between the two LANs and may enforce a security policy separating different work groups located on each of the LANs. Bridges were first specified in IEEE 802.1D (1990) and later by ISO (in 1993).
The format of PDUs at this layer in an Ethernet LAN is defined by the Ethernet frame format (also known as MAC - Medium Access Control). It consists of two 6 byte addresses and a one byte protocol ID / length field. The address field allows a frame to be sent to single and groups of stations. The MAC protocol is responsible for access to the medium and for the diagnosis of failure in either the medium or the transceiver which attaches to the medium.
Operation of a Bridge
The simplest type of bridge, and that most frequently used is the Transparent Bridge (meaning that the nodes using a bridge are unaware of its presence). The bridge therefore has to forward (receive and subsequently transmit) frames from one LAN (e.g. LAN A below) to another (e.g. LAN B). Obviously, the bridge could forward all frames, but then it would behave rather like a repeater; it would be much smarter if the bridge only forwarded frames which need to travel from one LAN to another. To do this, the bridge need to learn which computers are connected to which LANs. More formally, it need to learn whether to forward to each address.
A bridge connecting two LAN segments (A and B).
To learn which addresses are in use, and which ports (interfaces on the bridge) theory are closest to, the bridge observes the headers of received Ethernet frames. By examining the MAC source address of each received frame, and recording the port on which it was received, the bridge may learn which addresses belong to the computers connected via each port. This is called "learning". In the figure above, consider three computers X,Y,Z. Assume each sends frames to the other computers. The source addresses X,Y are observed to be on network A, while the address of computer Z will be observed to be on network B.
A bridge stores the hardware addresses observed from frames received by each interface and uses this information to learn which frames need to be forwarded by the bridge.
The learned addresses are stored in the an interface address table associated with each port (interface). Once this table has been setup, the bridge examines the destination address of all received frames, it then scans the interface tables to see if a frame has been received from the same address (i.e. a packet with a source address matching the current destination address). Three possibilities exist:
If the address is not found, no frames have been received from the source. The source may not exist, or it may not have sent any frames using this address. (The address may also have been deleted by the bridge because the bridge software was recently restarted, ran short of address entries in the interface table, or deleted the address because it was too old). Since the bridge does not know which port to use to forward the frame, it will send it to all output ports, except that on which it was received. (It is clearly unnecessary to send it back to the same cable segment from which it was received, since any other computer/bridges on this cable must already have received the packet.) This is called flooding.
If the address is found in an interface table and the address is associated with the port on which it was received, the frame is discarded. (It must already have been received by the destination.)
If the address is found in an interface table and the address is not associated with the port on which it was received, the bridge forwards the frame to the port associated with the address.
Packets with a source of X and destination of Y are received and discarded, since the computer Y is directly connected to the LAN A, whereas packets from X with a destination of Z are forwarded to network B by the bridge.
Broadcast and Multicast
Bridges forward a broadcast frame out of all connected ports except that on which the frame was received. The normal action for multicast frame is to treat them as broadcast frame. This is clearly suboptimal, since a bridge may send multicast frames to parts of the network for which there are no interested receivers. Some bridges implement extra processing to control the flooding of multicast frames.
Managing the Interface Tables
A bridge may implement an interface table using a software data structure or use a Contents Addressable Memory (CAM) chip. In either case, the size of the table is finite, and usually constrained to 1000's - 10 000's of entries. In a large LAN this may be a limit. To help keep the table small, most bridges maintain a check of how recently each address was used. Addresses which have not been used for a long period of time (e.g. minutes) are deleted. This has the effect of removing unused entries, but if the address is again used, before a frame is received from the same source, it will require the frame to be flooded to all ports.
A useful side effect of deleting old addresses is that the bridge interface table records only working MAC addresses. If a NIC stops sending, its address will be deleted from the table. If the NIC is subsequently reconnected, the entry will be restored, but if the connection is made to another port (the cable is changed) a different (updated) entry will be inserted corresponding to the actual port associated with the address. (The bridge always updates the interface table for each source address in a received MAC frame, therefore even if a computer changes the point at which it is connected without first having the interface table entry removed, the bridge will still update the table entry).
Filter Tables
In some bridges, a system administrator may override the normal forwarding by inserting entries in a filter table to inhibit forwarding between different work groups (for example to provide security for a particular set of MAC addresses). The filter table contains a list of source or destination addresses. Frames which match entries in the filter table will only be forwarded to specific configured ports.


virtual private network
- A virtual private network (VPN) is a network that uses a public telecommunication infrastructure, such as the Internet, to provide remote offices or individual users with secure access to their organization's network. A virtual private network can be contrasted with an expensive system of owned or leased lines that can only be used by one organization. The goal of a VPN is to provide the organization with the same capabilities, but at a much lower cost.
A VPN works by using the shared public infrastructure while maintaining privacy through security procedures and tunneling protocols such as the Layer Two Tunneling Protocol (L2TP). In effect, the protocols, by encrypting data at the sending end and decrypting it at the receiving end, send the data through a "tunnel" that cannot be "entered" by data that is not properly encrypted. An additional level of security involves encrypting not only the data, but also the originating and receiving network addresses.


A router is an Intermediate System (IS) which operates at the network layer of the OSI reference model. Routers may be used to connect two or more IP networks, or an IP network to an internet connection.
A router consists of a computer with at least two network interface cards supporting the IP protocol. The router receives packets from each interface via a network interface and forwards the received packets to an appropriate output network interface. Received packets have all link layer protocol headers removed, and transmitted packets have a new link protocol header added prior to transmission.
The router uses the information held in the network layer header (i.e. IP header) to decide whether to forward each received packet, and which network interface to use to send the packet. Most packets are forwareded based on the packet's IP destination address, along with routing information held within the router in a routing table. Before a packet is forwarded, the processor checks the Maximum Transfer Unit (MTU) of the specified interface. Packets larger than the interface's MTU must be fragmented by the router into two or more smaller packets. If a packet is received which has the Don't Fragment (DF) bit set in the packet header, the packet is not fragmented, but instead discarded. In this case, an ICMP error message is returned to the sender (i.e. to the original packet's IP source address) informing it of the interface's MTU size. This forms the basis for Path MTU discovery (PMTU).
The routing and filter tables resemble similar tables in link layer bridges and switches. Except, that instead of specifying link hardware addresses (MAC addresses), the router table sepcify network (IP addresses). The routing table lists known IP destination addresses with the appropraite network interface to be used to reach that destiantion. A default entry may be specified to be used for all addresses not explicitly defined in the table. A filter table may also be used to ensure that unwanted packets are discarded. The filter may be used to deny access to particular protocols or to prevent unauthorised access from remote computers by discarding packets to specified destination addresses.
A router forwards packets from one IP network to another IP network. Like other systems, it determines the IP network from the logical AND of an IP address with the associated subnetwork address mask. One execption to this rule is when a router receives an IP packet to a network broadcast address. In this case, the router discards the packet. Forwarding broadcast packet can lead to severe storms of packets, and if uncontrolled could lead to network overload.
A router introduces delay (latency) as it processes the packets it receives. The total delay observed is the sum of many components including:
Time taken to process the frame by the data link protocol
Time taken to select the correct output link (i.e. filtering and routing)
Queuing delay at the output link (when the link is busy)
Other activities which consume processor resources (computing routing tables, network management, generation of logging information)
The router queue of packets waiting to be sent also introduces a potential cause of packet loss. Since the router has a finite amount of buffer memory to hold the queue, a router which receives packets at too high a rate may experience a full queue. In this case, the router ahs no other option than to simply discard excess packets. If required, these may later be retransmitted by a transport protocol.
Routers are often used to connect together networks which use different types of links (for instance an HDLC link connecting a WAN to a local Ethernet LAN). The optimum (and maximum) packet lengths (i.e. the maximum transmission unit (MTU)) is different for different types of network. A router may therefore uses IP to provide segmentation of packets into a suitable size for transmission on a network.
Associated protocols perform network error reporting (ICMP), communication between routers (to determine appropriate routes to each destination) and remote monitoring of the router operation (network management).
The operation of a simple modern router is described on a separate page. If you want to know how the router actually works click HERE.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Friday, December 15, 2006

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

the cocunut trees on the beutiful beach

the cocunut trees on the beutiful beach
well friends you can also disover these locations with new enhanced google earth

Friday, November 10, 2006

view from the fort

you can see lots of travellers from european countries l

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